Sunday, 3 August 2014

Work become much more easy with these tools!

I have been editing this post and not releasing it until I feel it's enough for you guys. Hope these tools can help you go through the boring working days!

  1. Spotify - Music with playlists and you can search your favourite artists to listen to ('We are hunted' has an account that features the latest top songs based on blogs & social media)
  3. Grooveshark - Search your music here
  4. Soundcloud - Search music here (music covers and concert tracks as its extra points)
  5. 8tracks - Mix of music with the playlists not being shown
  6. Bandcamp
  7. Musicovery - Music based on your mood
  8. Stereomood - Music based on your mood
  9. Indieshuffle
  10. Hype Machine - Music that got mentioned on blogs
  11. Accuradio - Music site with all genres - jazz, classical, pop - you name it.
  12. Just hear it - Search the artist and you get all their songs
  13. Deskamp - Make your own playlist by searching all the songs you want
  14. Amélie whole soundtrack
  15. Harry potter whole soundtrack (9 hours)
  16. Classical music (4 hours)
  1. Coffitivity - Cafe sound
  2. SoundSleeping - Mixed sounds to help you sleep
  3. Calmsound - Sound of ocean, rain, rainforests, etc
  4. Mixed sound (cafe,rain,night,fountain,etc)
  5. You will be calm listening to this
  6. This is the BEST THING to help you relax
  7. You can rant on this and get all those negative thoughts off your mind
Essay writing & others
  1. - Citation tool (MLA, APA, Chicago)
  2. Citethisforme - Citation tool (Harvard, APA, MLA, etc)
  3. Exam time mind-maps - Mind map tool
  4. - A great online tool to organize your group projects, schedule and mind maps
  5. Mind map tool
  6. Tip of my tongue - Find words that you've been thinking but just can't seem to remember
  7. Find synonyms, antonyms & rhyming words, etc
  8. All kinds of printables

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