Saturday, 30 August 2014

3 Problem-solving tips

Your school and family probably won't teach you how to solve problems. As I have gotten my long-time-no-use printer set up (it was a  big trouble), I learnt a few things:

1. Be patient
This is the most important thing when we are solving problems. Take your time. You will get that problem tackled!

2. Think about the reason why the problem happened and find the solution
Take a closer look into the problem or stuck object, when needed.

3. When you encounter failure, try again!
Believe yourself being able to solve the problem. When you fail, try another solution or ask for help (the World Wide Web is being so helpful here)! 

Believing in yourself is a big help towards problem solving.

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Thursday, 21 August 2014


  • SDC International Design Competition 2014: Hong Kong regional First runner up

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About me

This is true somehow. I used to judge people in terms of their looks in the past. Don Benjamin has tattoos over his chest and arms, but he has a charming personality and his beautiful eyes make you stare at him (his photos, in reality) for seconds. I have met a few people who act differently in front of different people, for instance, being cute and quiet in front of seniors, being mean and take advantage of people when they are with peers. This is the worst kind of people in the world!
  • Favourite movie: The fault in our stars
  • Favourite books: One day, Eat pray love, Quiet
  • Current boy crush: Don Benjamin
  • Current girl crush: Krystal from f(x)

I (am): 

  • Emotional (it's a roller coaster sometimes)
  • Boring (depending on who I am with)
  • Think inside my head much more often than I speak and express feelings
  • Straightforward
  • Restrain anger

Monday, 18 August 2014

Hard working with music

Sorry for the irregular update but I am working on a competition. I think the concept is great to explore, an interesting collection will be done. I just have to make everything connecting to each other and get the collection attractive and interesting.

Last but not least, here's some 8tracks playlists!

What's your favourite 8tracks playlist?

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Sunday, 3 August 2014

Work become much more easy with these tools!

I have been editing this post and not releasing it until I feel it's enough for you guys. Hope these tools can help you go through the boring working days!

  1. Spotify - Music with playlists and you can search your favourite artists to listen to ('We are hunted' has an account that features the latest top songs based on blogs & social media)
  3. Grooveshark - Search your music here
  4. Soundcloud - Search music here (music covers and concert tracks as its extra points)
  5. 8tracks - Mix of music with the playlists not being shown
  6. Bandcamp
  7. Musicovery - Music based on your mood
  8. Stereomood - Music based on your mood
  9. Indieshuffle
  10. Hype Machine - Music that got mentioned on blogs
  11. Accuradio - Music site with all genres - jazz, classical, pop - you name it.
  12. Just hear it - Search the artist and you get all their songs
  13. Deskamp - Make your own playlist by searching all the songs you want
  14. Amélie whole soundtrack
  15. Harry potter whole soundtrack (9 hours)
  16. Classical music (4 hours)