Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Methods to make you the most productive queen/king!

After reading the batch tasking, 80/20 rule and getting over perfectionist's dilemma articles from this blog, I have got some practical methods on my mind to be more productive and have better relationships.

1. Do several related regular tasks in a row (batch tasking)

For instance, I write 2 to 3 blog articles in a row. Then, when I have time to publish one, I would share it on my social media at the same time. For those who needs to do housework, do laundry after tidying your room and vice versa. Jot down notes when you read a long article. This makes you not going back and read the most boring article for another few times. You will fall asleep when reading it...Apply this method to your daily life and you will see how your life changes.

2. Focus doing the 20% of all the tasks you do that are the most important to you (80/20)

For example, you are a full-time college student and you need to take exams. Pay attention to the 20%   of your courses - those areas and questions that will APPEAR ON YOUR EXAM.
For design students who don't need to deal with exams but projects, PAY ATTENTION IN CLASS, take notes on the areas that are important in project requirements, ask related questions and TRY YOUR VERY BEST ON YOUR PROJECTS. 

3. It does not have to be all perfect

People makes mistakes and have their own weaknesses, do not blame yourself on not doing well, but think of solutions. Assume that you do not draw very well (in which I am) and you will learn drawing by using Photoshop and Illustrator during your next semester, try your very best on learning your softwares and figure out what makes YOU stand out.

4. Focus on the 20% of people you know and care & in which they care about you as well (80/20)

Message that friend or someone you care who are on the other end of the world. Show that you care about her with your sincereness. 
For those friends who live in the same city with you, always ask them to hang out. This will keep your relationships long-lasting and stable.

How about those who ruin and interfere with your life?
That's easy. Just ignore these 80% (or large amount) of people and live your happy life. If they have any negative emotions towards you, it is their business, NOT YOURS. It is their choices if they like to keep talking behind your back and isolate you. You are not going to be bothered with these negative scenarios and WASTE YOUR TIME ON THESE NEGATIVE PEOPLE.

Learning from my own experience, when you realize someone who likes to talk behind one's back, you ARE NOT GOING TO BE FRIEND WITH HER. Stay away from her. Because if they can talk behind ANYONE'S back, they will talk behind your back once they have chance/want to!

5.Use buffer time effectively

You can reply emails, read blogs, make plans, jot down any inspiration or (as design student) use the time to do research on projects (use Pinterest and Tumblr apps). Do these little things when you commute or wait for someone/something. This is so useful that you will no longer waste those waiting time. Research says that we spent 653hrs waiting for trains6months queuing or waiting for someone/something.

6.Pomodoro method

Work/study 25 minutes and take a 5-minute break OR work 50 minutes and take a 10-minute break. It is up to you. You can finish the whole thing if you feel finishing it would make you feel better. There are some apps out there that do the timings for you. Drink, eat, 5-minute nap, do nothing and enjoy the view outside your home are some suggestions on what to do during breaks. Discover and create your own what-to-do.

7.Dealing with your mum sometimes/all-the-time "Hey my daughter, I have something that I need to tell you" situations

After "hey my daughter, I have something that I need to tell you", it is always something that you think as not important, but important to your lovely mum. If you have the time, go and listen to what she says. 
If you are busy and hectic, just tell your mum "I am really busy right now, maybe you can come (to my room) and talk about it" OR "Sorry mum. I don't have time to talk with you at the moment. Maybe we can talk before we sleep?"

8. Bullet journal

This method may not work for some of you. But I will try this when my sophomore year starts. You may use filofax to organize your days instead. Have a look at that, try it and tell me what you think.

Is there any methods you think are useful help boosting your productivity? Comment below. :)

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